Saturday, January 20, 2007

Find files by last modification time

"find" is a powerful Unix/Linux utility for searching files. With the -mtime (or -mmin) options, "find" can search files which modified within a specific days (or minutes). However, there is no option for "find" to search files modified after a point of time. To do this, you need to write a shell script:
touch -t "$1" /tmp/$$ \
&& find . -newer /tmp/$$ \
&& rm /tmp/$$
This script creates a temp file with a specific last modification time in /tmp directory and uses the temp file's last modification time as a reference time point for "find" to search files newer than the specific time. The -newer option of "find" is for searching files which are newer than a specific file. touch -t "$1" /tmp/$$ creates a temp file with a specific last modified time using the -t option.

1 comment: said...

you can use:

"find . -cmin +60" or "find . -cmin -60"