Wednesday, September 28, 2016

VLC vs MPlayer for DVB playback with hardware decode (vdpau)

Regularly, I have some TV programs been recorded with USB TV tuner. So, I need a program to playback the recorded videos in my Linux box. In Linux world, there are two popular video players -- VLC and MPlayer. I tried both, and here are my comments:

  • VLC provides better GUI. Although mplayer also provide GUI frontends, but they didn't works well. Some of the frontends can't even run. One of the frontend "SMPlayer" can run on my box, but it has some bugs which unable to display the subtitle of the recorded TV programs.
  • In terms of hardware decode, MPlayer works much more stable than VLC. VLC occasionally has errors on decoding and shows blank screen. 
    Decoding Errors of VLC
Finally, I can only use the command line MPlayer. Here is the scripts to playback the videos:

mplayer -vc ffh264vdpau,ffmpeg12vdpau,ffwmv3vdpau,ffvc1vdpau -vo vdpau:deint=3 -framedrop -ao pulse -dr -cache 8192 "$@"

[Testing environment: XUbuntu 16.04, vlc 2.2.2-5, mplayer 2:1.2.1-1ubuntu1, smplayer 15.11.0~ds0-1, libvdpau1 1.1.1-3ubuntu1, vdpau-driver-all 1.1.1-3ubuntu1, Nvidia Linux Driver 367.44]

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