Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Makefile to Build Homepage

After study GNU Make yesterday, I write a generic Makefile for building my homepage today.

The the following is the Generic Makefile:


all: premake all_subdirs all_curdirpages postmake

if test -x ./premake.sh; then ./premake.sh; fi

if test -x ./postmake.sh; then ./postmake.sh; fi

include Makefile.dep

all_subdirs: $(subdirs)
for dir in $(subdirs); do (cd $$dir; make); done

all_curdirpages: $(pages)

$(filter %.html,$(pages)): %.html: %.tpl
$(PHP) $< > $@
touch timestamp

for dir in $(subdirs); do (cd $$dir; make clean); done
rm -f *.html timestamp *.gen

.PHONY: all clean all_subdirs all_curdirpages premake postmake $(subdirs) $(dep_phony)

This Makefile is put (symbolic-link) in all sub-directories of the homepage. In other words, all sub-directories use the same Makefile. So, it is called generic Makefile. If it needs to add some extra logics before or after make, we can create "premake.sh" and "postmake.sh" shell scripts respectively. The scripts will be executed accordingly. In the Makefile, the marco "pages", "subdirs" and "dep_phony" are provided by the "Makefile.dep" The customization depends on the "Makefile.dep". In each directory, it should contain a "Makefile.dep". The following is a sample "Makefile.dep":

subdirs=blog secImage

pages=index.html tba.html contact.html

index.html: index.tpl header.tpl footer.tpl rightbar.tpl \
lib/search.tpl lib/acknowledgement.tpl blog/recent/index.html

contact.html: contact.tpl header.tpl footer.tpl rightbar.tpl \
lib/search.tpl lib/acknowledgement.tpl

tba.html: tba.tpl header.tpl footer.tpl

The "subdirs" macro defines the the sub-directories requiring to process, and the "pages" macro defines the HTML pages requiring to generated. The "Makefile.dep" file also defines the dependency of HTML files to the template files (*.tpl).

To build the homepage, I only need to issue the "make" command in the root directory of the homepage source.

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